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Birthday launch 'Flourish'

At the end of my birthday a friend takes a picture of me with glistening emotional eyes. I've never been a very big celebrator of my birthday. I got to celebrate a birthday beyond my dreams in a wonderful place with such dear friends. On the same day, my book FLOURISH was born.

Quite soon after the publication of my Dutch book I had several encounters that made clear that my book needed to be published in English. There were several signals from life that I simply couldn’t ignore. I started translating my book, with professional help of course. The translating process felt like diving into another layer, a sort of “deep-sea diving” into my book.

Yes, it’s time. FLOURISH may spread its wings and go into the world. From the solid undercurrent that I also experience with my Dutch book 'Onverbloemd'.

A deep, deep, deep gratitude. That is what remains for me.


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